28 January 2009


well, it's official.

i'm unpacked. and 23. and almost ready to start thinking about the semester.

i had a lovely b-day raclette party with the girls last night! thanks han!

it's quiet and lovely and i like tonight.

24 January 2009


here i am again in germany!
my flights went quite well, and we even arrived early in dusseldorf yesterday morning! my dear friend sabine picked me up after a little while and a starbucks coffee, and we were on our way. right away when we got back i was able to see a lot of bible college staff friends and even a few pastors from around europe, who were staying here during the pastor's conference. in the afternoon i took some time to hang out [but not sleep!] until a going away party for anja, who takes off on tuesday. got to see lots of church friends at the party, and managed to stay mostly awake, too! finally i got to bed after being awake for over a day-and-a-half, and slept very well all night!
today i've been hanging out with nick and jessi [my hosts for the weekend before i move into the apartment with katha], hannah, and steph.. now we're off to bin's for the evening.
it's great to be back, and it feels almost warm compared to home!! :) no rain today, either.
blessings to all, and to all a good night.

21 January 2009


hey look! i found a video clip of the concert i went to last week with my mom and grandma.
the piano part at the end is my favorite. please note: the conductor both directs and plays piano!!
here's the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra performing Beethoven's Emperor Concerto.

18 January 2009

St. Paul

This week I finally got my Christmas present: a day in the Twin Cities with my mom and grandma, complete with a morning concert by the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, a delicious lunch at the River Room in Macy's, and shopping. It was a delight, despite very sub-zero temperatures [-20 when we started the car!] and a few almost-unbearably brisk walks between skyscrapers.
The SPCO played an interesting modern piece, a beautiful Hadyn symphony, and ended with Beethoven's rousing Piano Concerto No. 5, Emperor. The director played the piano brilliantly, while directing simultaneously! It was most enjoyable.

11 January 2009

i love.

rocking out with my brothers.

07 January 2009

Just two more weeks before I head back to Germany! I'm glad. I miss it. I listened to Pastor Nick, along with Miri's translation, on the CC Siegen podcast today, and it felt like home.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, things are plugging away. I'm working at the restaurant, leading worship at church, preparing for my class, and hanging out with my family. This weekend our church is hosting a "Day of Encouragement," for which I'll be leading worship. It should be a real blessing; ministry in the Midwest is often quite discouraging. So, we look to the Lord to be our strength and joy, and shall gather together in His name to see what His Word has to say to us!

Next week I'm going to a performance of the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra with my mom and grandma! I've been hoping for months that we'd be able to do this, and finally, we are. Morning concert at the Ordway, followed by a lovely lunch of popovers at a downtown department store's restaurant, and a day of shopping. We did the same sort of thing two years ago in January, and it was quite a delight. I still love classical music!! Lately I've taken full advantage of having a piano in the house, and have nearly every day spent some time revisiting my old friends Johann, Wolfgang, and Edvard! [Bach, Mozart, and Grieg]

Next weekend I'll be hosting an open house for an afternoon, to share with people about the ministry in Germany. It's kind of tricky being away for so much of the year to keep people updated; hopefully this will get people excited about what's going on and also inspire them to pray for us!

Now it's time for the Weekly Johnson Sibling Wii Party. Bis später, und Gott segne euch! xo.

04 January 2009


I'm listening to classical Minnesota Public Radio, and there is somebody humming along with the music, sometimes accurate, sometimes not. Either the radio guy forgot to turn off his microphone, or it's on the recording itself. Maybe the pianist felt particularly moved while performing this particularly slow and ponderous second movement. Or, maybe it's his piano teacher in the next room??
One may never know...