24 January 2009


here i am again in germany!
my flights went quite well, and we even arrived early in dusseldorf yesterday morning! my dear friend sabine picked me up after a little while and a starbucks coffee, and we were on our way. right away when we got back i was able to see a lot of bible college staff friends and even a few pastors from around europe, who were staying here during the pastor's conference. in the afternoon i took some time to hang out [but not sleep!] until a going away party for anja, who takes off on tuesday. got to see lots of church friends at the party, and managed to stay mostly awake, too! finally i got to bed after being awake for over a day-and-a-half, and slept very well all night!
today i've been hanging out with nick and jessi [my hosts for the weekend before i move into the apartment with katha], hannah, and steph.. now we're off to bin's for the evening.
it's great to be back, and it feels almost warm compared to home!! :) no rain today, either.
blessings to all, and to all a good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it back to Germany safe. God Bless. Jennifer