04 January 2009


I'm listening to classical Minnesota Public Radio, and there is somebody humming along with the music, sometimes accurate, sometimes not. Either the radio guy forgot to turn off his microphone, or it's on the recording itself. Maybe the pianist felt particularly moved while performing this particularly slow and ponderous second movement. Or, maybe it's his piano teacher in the next room??
One may never know...


Anonymous said...

Poor guy! (If it was the DJ.) That's happened to me before, when the mic was still on or I was on the phone while the phone line was on the air. *hides in humiliation* Things like that can make for some pretty funny stories. :-)

Happy New Year!!

Dameria said...

Hi Annie, very late happy-new-year-greetings, they got stuck in the snow between Berlin and Siegen... ;-)Miss you! Me too spend the holidays with nephews and nieces, they are the greatest! Lots of blessings

jessica reid. said...

ah! i love it...it's the dj!! and i love you, ak!! blessings and much love, my friend.