26 September 2007


"Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon." Nehemiah 4:17

"The battling of the Christian must never replace the building. We must be armed for our warfare ... [but] the wall has got to go up; the final answer of the Christian to the world is that the wall is being built, that the temple of the Holy Spirit is visible."

-excerpts from Alan Redpath's Victorious Christian Service: Studies in the Book of Nehemiah.
i am currently reading this book, and by it being immensely blessed. if you haven't read it, please put it on your to-read list!


jessica reid. said...

sorry about the last comment. i read it after i posted it and realized it made no sense...
but yes, the challenge of balance. thank goodness we can do all things through christ who strengthens us! what hope we have in jesus! have a spendid day my annie-k! love you!

Unknown said...

annie! I am so excited for you to come!! it is going to be amazing having you here! have a great weekend the Lord bless you!!
Mit Lieb,