13 June 2008

welcome home!

here i am. i love it here.
planes were delayed, a flight was missed, and a holding pattern in the sky was accomplished before my actual arrival to my lovely state. but the 24 hours of travel was well worth the wait and discomfort for the joy of coming home and seeing my family!
my nephew came over last night, and for a few minutes was not quite sure about me. but by the end, he was on my lap doing all of his facial expressions and noises with me! what a cutie! oh, and my little brothers are giants. with deep voices.
saw a few friends today, helping a couple move into a new house, then tonight we went out to the Hicks' farm for a potluck with a bunch of families. i was promptly greeted by a flying leap/hug by Tater Hicks herself. later i received the complete guided tour of the rabbit/sheep/pony barn by two very willing young ladies. the evening ended with a theatrical production [complete with ball gowns, high heels, and tutus] of the story of Esther. the best-dressed, we all agreed, was tiny Mallory, with a blue ballerina suit over pink sweats paired up with some very sturdy hiking boots.
it was good to see everyone again. it's definitely a different world here, and one that i've sometimes disdained, but at this point in life i find it very heartwarming to come home to such a place. yes, this piece of country is a bit backward by the world's standards, but it's family, it's memories, it's home.


jessica reid. said...

preisen den Hern! hurray! ich vermisse dich!

Tamiko said...

Annie, I'm glad you're having a great time back home. I miss you though!! See you in few months ne?
God bless you!