18 August 2008


to celebrate our "last" day of summer [before semester work begins], my friends Andrew and Miriam hosted a barbecue yesterday!
about 12 of us enjoyed a feast of meats, salads, bread, apfelschörle, birne-melisse wellness getränk, and homemade banana bread and s'mores. so lecker.

afterwards with our coffee and tea we had a great time of prayer for the upcoming semester. it's such a blessing to be part of the Body of Christ, and especially to have friends like these! i love you guys. :) i also was awed by how the Lord put the exact same things on each of our hearts- twice i was going to pray about a specific thing, and someone else did it! sabine said the same thing happened to her. how cool that our God loves to bless us as we seek His face together!

here's a few pictures of the girls. [the boys were busy at the grill. go figure.]

bini and miri!

the kathas!


jessica reid. said...

oh, my goodness! i miss everyone sooo much!! and i miss YOU, ak! i'm praying for you this semester...that you will know Him in a deeper way! love, jr.
ps. hannah kyrene is coming soon!!

Anonymous said...

Annie =) just wanna say Hi and that i'm super excited for another semester together =)
you're truly special.....eine ganz besonders tolle Frau =)
love and see yah soon....
Katha F.

Bini said...

Oh, I loved that day.. and I love you and so so so glad that we are neighbours this semester and much more I am glad, that we are freinds- for ever!!!!!!
love you