the sun's been out for nearly 2 weeks straight, and my freckles are beginning to reappear, to my utmost delight. but tonight a fresh little drizzle is coming out and producing the most delicious smell upon the face of this lovely greener-every-day bit of earth. i think the smell of spring/summer rain is one of my most favorites.
life has been good, interesting, stretching, joyful, and more or less relaxed this week. i think it's the daily exposure to warm sunshine and the fact that i'm essentially done with my teaching responsibilities for my class already! i've got 3 guest speakers and outreach [thus no class one week] this month, so it's great to sit back, learn from them, spend time with people, read a good book, and enjoy a bit of a reprise. [tonight a girl who leads worship at the church talked on songwriting- and i was really encouraged.]
speaking of reading, i'm back on the missionary biography kick. i don't think i'll ever tire of stories in general, and especially true stories of real people who knew their God and and carried out great exploits in His name! i re-read Isobel Kuhn's biography, By Searching, a few weeks ago, and was once again immensely blessed. yesterday i began God's Smuggler- the story of Brother Andrew, a Dutch guy who [i'm assuming, but i'm only in chapter 6!] went on to smuggle Bibles behind the Iron Curtain, and to found the organization Open Doors.. which i often hear about at CC Siegen. small world.
4-day weekend is 2 days away, so most everyone will be gone. i love it when it's quiet and peaceful around here!
i'm learning swedish!!!!!!!!!!!! a dear girl from the church is giving me a few little "lessons" in preparation for our upcoming trip to sweden to put on the 2nd annual Calvary Chapel women's retreat in Scandinavia [Stockholm, to be exact]. i'm especially excited for this trip, for i love Sweden, and to know how to roughly pronounce a few words [and thereby to lead worship in Swedish- the main goal of studying a bit] is absolutely thrilling to me. i love languages!
family update: new nephew is to be born any day now! woohoo!
and last, but most certainly not least,