29 October 2009

short, yet necessary.

1.i'm still alive!!

2. bristol and london were fantastic.

3. my brother Tyler is visiting! we went to austria last weekend. we've got 4 full days left to hang out.

4. in the next 10 days: 2 worship classes to study for and teach, 2 sundays at other calvarys [düsseldorf and heidelberg], my friends' wedding, enjoying the rest of my time with ty, and approximately 200 other things. it's crazy! but so good.

5. main goal: remain sane. i need to be daily filled with the Spirit to be able to keep a right perspective and have the grace to enjoy all these things while accomplishing them. if you think of me, please pray for that. :)

lots of love! lots of pictures that need to be uploaded too....... maybe next week. here's one of london, just cause.

08 October 2009

ja klar.

last weekend i was at the CC Herborn women's retreat- what a blessing! here are some photos.

we had some great times of fellowship together. our theme was The Joy of the Lord is My Strength!

the retreat took place in the beautiful Westerwald, about 40 minutes from Siegen.

this is my new friend Caro! we led worship together, and were roommates for the weekend.

plus i got to jam for a while one afternoon on an amazing old-school piano!! i so dearly miss playing on a real piano. i was tremendously blessed by such a simple thing.

fall has begun here in germany! the leaves are changing colors, and the hillside is about to erupt in flaming radiance. makes me happy.

plus, it means that it's outreach week time! on sunday morning at 6am we depart in the big blue van for england. 
our team is called the "BLTs"- the Bristol/London team.. and we have already had so many good times of fellowship and prayer together!
in Bristol, we'll be praying over the city, as several people are considering moving out there to plant a church!
in London, we'll be serving alongside Calvary Chapel Docklands, and doing street evangelism and other things.
please keep us in your prayers as we go out. i'll update as soon as i can afterwards.

danke schön!