29 October 2009

short, yet necessary.

1.i'm still alive!!

2. bristol and london were fantastic.

3. my brother Tyler is visiting! we went to austria last weekend. we've got 4 full days left to hang out.

4. in the next 10 days: 2 worship classes to study for and teach, 2 sundays at other calvarys [düsseldorf and heidelberg], my friends' wedding, enjoying the rest of my time with ty, and approximately 200 other things. it's crazy! but so good.

5. main goal: remain sane. i need to be daily filled with the Spirit to be able to keep a right perspective and have the grace to enjoy all these things while accomplishing them. if you think of me, please pray for that. :)

lots of love! lots of pictures that need to be uploaded too....... maybe next week. here's one of london, just cause.

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