27 January 2010

it's a happy day.
sunshine, coffee, work, family.
i should be listening to switchfoot's "twenty-four" to commemorate the day..
i am no longer 23!
and oh, i miss siegen a lot.
love love.

18 January 2010

sproutmaster: days two and three.

day three: sprouting out the bottom!

this is the infamous Sprout Master of which i speak!
it's pretty straightforward: a white plastic box, with a screen-type bottom, which sits on a stand that's nearly identical to the lid.
it has the very handy option of a middle dividing wall, to keep two varieties of sprouts growing!

look at the little beans start to sprout! so exciting!!


top: the green mung beans are really shooting out!
i think the red Adzuiki beans will be late bloomers.
below: and of course, the "stirfry mix" is getting on splendidly.

i've been rinsing my sprouts two or three times daily with warm water.
look at how they're progressing! i'm so pleased.
looking forward to amazing salads and other sprout concoctions by the end of the week.

16 January 2010

sunny saturday: sprouts.

i decided to make some sprouts today. here are the first few steps:

1. have a mom who has a whole shelf of amazing whole grains in the basement. :)

2. visit said stockpile and select some interesting sounding beans:

i chose Adzuiki beans and Mung beans for half of my sprouts, [my choice was based slightly upon the size and color of the beans, but primarily upon their exotic sounding names!]and for the other half i used a pre-packaged sprout mix. .

3. add 3 tablespoons of your choice of beans to a small metal bowl. cover with 2 cups of hot tap water.

that's how far i've gotten! my beans are soaking, and our SproutMaster is ready to be filled and work its magic.

i feel like i'm back in 2nd grade, planting my green bean seeds in my little terra cotta pot on the window sill, and documenting its progress over the days and weeks!

i guess science can be fun after all..

05 January 2010

so great are Your ways
such encompassing grace
love that reaches beyond each defense
Your mercy disarms the most broken of hearts
such complete and profound faithfulness

02 January 2010

i'd rather be in...

or, "a little light reading."

snow day.

bikes and wagons: out of order.

study on a star.

01 January 2010

best of the decade

...in no particular order:

graduated high school
graduated Bible College
got a sister-in-law and 2 nephews!
CC Marshall began
got a Mac
saw life through 4 different pairs of glasses
led worship on 3 continents
spent time in 14 countries
was hospitalized on 2 different continents
lived in Germany for over 3 years [1/3 of the decade!]
learned a foreign language
made a TON of amazing friends, spread worldwide
fell more in love with Jesus.

i began this decade at 13 years of age. i've seen the Lord do so much in my life as i've followed Him, instead of following the traditions of men. i am very, very blessed.

it's also interesting to think that i've already lived in 4 different decades. strange thought.

looking forward to 2010 and all that it shall entail! ready for a new decade! i have no idea what's ahead, but i didn't last time either.. so here we go.
