16 January 2010

sunny saturday: sprouts.

i decided to make some sprouts today. here are the first few steps:

1. have a mom who has a whole shelf of amazing whole grains in the basement. :)

2. visit said stockpile and select some interesting sounding beans:

i chose Adzuiki beans and Mung beans for half of my sprouts, [my choice was based slightly upon the size and color of the beans, but primarily upon their exotic sounding names!]and for the other half i used a pre-packaged sprout mix. .

3. add 3 tablespoons of your choice of beans to a small metal bowl. cover with 2 cups of hot tap water.

that's how far i've gotten! my beans are soaking, and our SproutMaster is ready to be filled and work its magic.

i feel like i'm back in 2nd grade, planting my green bean seeds in my little terra cotta pot on the window sill, and documenting its progress over the days and weeks!

i guess science can be fun after all..

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