beautiful weather is upon us again. spent yesterday afternoon helping my mother to plant the garden. i can't get over how good it feels to use my own hands to smooth the dirt, make rows, neatly plant and cover little tiny seeds, water them a bit, and leave the rest up to a marvelous Creator to provide the life! sunshine, fresh air, and dirt-covered hands are very good for the soul.
i depart in a mere twelve days for the european continent! i am very excited about this trip, which shall encompass the entire month of june. i'll be back in siegen, my old hometown of three years, for the better part of the month. it'll be a delight to see dear friends, to speak german, to fellowship with the church, and walk the streets of eiserfeld once more! i'm praying for good weather, but rain might be the case, as it usually is. i'll also be doing a bit of traveling while i'm there! my friend karen and i are road-tripping for a week, to visit berlin, dresden, prague, and neuschwanstein, if all goes well! i've never been to any of these places, and karen and i get along swimmingly, so i know it'll be a grand adventure. we're also hoping to see the opera [a first for me!] in prague! the following weekend, we'll be flying out to the london area to visit a very sweet family and a local calvary chapel. i am so excited.
my very very dear friend michelle is getting married at the end of june in siegen, so i'm especially looking forward to spending time with her and helping with wedding preparations! currently the project at hand is sewing my bridesmaid dress, and i must say- it has been getting along quite well!
we're on the last stage of lilac days for the year. oh, how heavenly the scent of a warm spring lilac-breeze! our lilies-of-the-valley remain in prolificness, and not a day goes by that i don't sink my nose into their depths and gaze upon their cheerful beauty. i love spring! i haven't been at home for an entire spring since 2005- my admiration for the prairie runs very deep in any season, but i think currently spring is my favorite. i ride my bike around sunset most every evening, on a path bordering "town" and "country" and feel the warmth of the setting sun and the coolness of the breeze [or wind] whipping across my face, delight in the phlox blossoming in their glory alongside the river, and can't get enough of the sight of sunset gold enlivening the dandelion haloes in a field of clover. the other morning i saw a great blue heron swooping majestically up the stream. God is so good.
been meditating a lot on the importance of hearing, even more-so than seeing. that's another topic for another time, i think.
and last but not least, i mixed up another batch of ciabatta last night before bed. mmmm. can't wait to taste it.
let's see, i guess that about does it for now. lots of love. i'll try to post updates and pictures from my lovely europe upon arrival and throughout the journey.
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