10 October 2010

laundry basket.

i have a remarkable laundry basket.
my laundry basket is an inspiration to my life.

it does not have any broken, sharp, protruding edges.
it does not have the typical finger-slicing-waffle-graph siding.
it does not have handles which severely impede circulation.

it is sturdy, yet flexible.
it is roomy, yet not bulky.
it has a white matte finish, with shiny blue handles.

it makes me feel nimble, instead of cumbersome.
it gets me excited about doing laundry.
it is shaped rather like a very large handbag.

i think that is its highest charm.

p.s. did you know that perquisite [not prerequisite, mind you] is the formal version of perk?
as in, "This laundry basket has definitely got its perquisites!"

i will now implement this word into a phrase which i commonly use at work.
"Thank you for calling Perkquisitins, how may I help you?"

..i wonder if my laundry is done yet?

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