for every thing there is a season, writes king solomon, the wisest man to ever have lived.
i am glad there are seasons.
sometimes seasons make me sad: if they seem to be too short, or perhaps even too long.
for example, this reasoning could be applied to a "very long winter" or a "very short summer".
but a calendar season is by no means too short nor too long. the equinoxes enable each season to begin and end precisely when it should.
it may not
feel like the season it's supposed to be.
but it is what it is.
and if you wait, it'll really look and feel like the right season.
i'd say the same principle applies to daily life.
i admit that some seasons in life seem to be too long or too short, too good or too bad, too exciting or too dull, too full or too empty.
i think the reason for this is simply human discontent. it's hard to make us happy, and harder still to keep us happy.
we like to complain.
we complain about the weather, at least in regions where the weather is a great variable and always somewhat unpredictable. [perhaps if you don't talk much about the weather, you're living in a place where the weather just isn't extreme enough to merit excess attention.]
we complain about seasons in our lives too.
but i see the wisdom in seasons.
they are contained. they are recognizable. they are, in general, to be expected, if not roughly predicted. they are common to mankind.
it seems like a lot of people come down with "a bug" or some other allergenic attack at the change of seasons.
as much as we love the newness of each season, our bodies need time to adjust to temperature, humidity, pressure, pollen, and precipitation changes, and we still usually get sick. what would happen if seasons drastically and completely changed on the 21st of every third month of the year? windows might shatter, for one.
might the same principle apply to life here as well?
do you see what i'm getting at?
to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. [ecclesiastes 3:1]
there is a natural process of life that must of necessity run its course.
so do not fret, o my soul, when the seasons seem not to change quickly enough for my tastes.
things take time. life takes time. friendship takes time. thought takes time. rest takes time. waiting patiently takes time.
a season begun suddenly, out of place, without a gradual change, will only create unwanted pressure, storms, natural disasters, etc.
don't rush the process of things.
God has you and me in His hands. and His timing is never too early or too late.
trust the providence and process of seasons.
commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. [psalm 37:5]
wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart. wait, i say, on the Lord! [psalm 27:14]