30 August 2011

the heavens declare the glory of God.

for the beauty of the earth
for the glory of the skies
for the love which from our birth
over and around us lies
Lord of all to Thee we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.

montana sunset, august 2011

29 August 2011


isn't it exciting to see God answer prayer?
isn't it exciting to talk to people whose hearts beat with the Lord's heart?
isn't it exciting to see what God is doing?
isn't it exciting to be part of it?

He is so good.

i fly to Europe in exactly one week.
the list of places is not yet completed or confirmed, but my first stop is Bristol, UK, and then to London. and then to Ireland. and then to Germany. and after that shall other places assuredly be added to my list.

and oh my goodness, i cannot wait to see all these dear people again!!

ps: an afternoon last week was spent recording a bunch of songs from church for my sweet nephews. you can listen to them and even download them on my purevolume! this album is called The Nephew Project. my nephews come to church fairly often with us, and they love to sing, but they don't hear the songs often enough to know them all by heart. so, having received a request for a cd of church songs for their sake, i chose a whole bunch of great songs and sung them as clearly as possible, so they could hear the words and learn them. and since i recorded the whole project for the boys anyway, i may as well share these songs with others! maybe they will be a blessing to you as well.

Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, 
teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, 
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
col 3:16

25 August 2011

made, part 2.

i'm pretty sure my family could consume a gallon of this a day.
also, we've been devouring the most delightful crate of peaches, ever.
God bless freshness.

23 August 2011


an awkward tshirt sweater into a nice little striped skirt. cool ne?

and God made this for me to gaze at on a long drive home the other night.

He wins.

22 August 2011

this has been going through my head all day:

oh the depths of the riches both
of the wisdom and the knowledge of God!

for of Him and through Him and to Him are all things
to Him be the glory forever!


18 August 2011


i did not get my visa to england.
God directs the steps of the righteous.
He's much bigger than my plans!

so now it looks like:

i'm going to europe in two and a half weeks.
i am staying for at least 2 months.
i am going to visit as many missionary friends as possible.
it's my desire to be a blessing.

and so, most beloved europe of my heart..

the countdown has begun.

14 August 2011


"the Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that i should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. 
He awakens me morning by morning; He awakens my ear to hear as the learned." -isaiah 50:4

just want to put it out there that i've had a week full of incredible conversations with friends.
who says i'm alone on the prairie? i've got ten millions of sisters and brothers. and some of them even have phones.
i'll update tomorrow hopefully.
meanwhile.. walk in the Spirit. love the Lord. know Him. life gets crazy awesome when you do.

09 August 2011

in short.

hey there, Miss MIA here.
sooo i have a ton of things i want to blog about, which may or may not all happen:
-retreat worship
-teen camp worship and counseling
-montana family vacation
-God redirecting my steps immensely!
-the new plan for fall ministry

but for now i need you guys to pray! [if anyone still checks this place, that is!]
i'm driving 7 hours down to SE Iowa today to visit a friend and help put on a worship seminar tomorrow evening [wednesday] for a small baptist church! i get 35 minutes to share from the Word about having the right heart in worship and giving a Biblical foundation.

PLEASE PRAY that i am led by the Spirit! i am not totally prepared yet, but the Lord has put some things on my heart. i trust that He will finish the work He's begun with this! please pray that i am a blessing and a living example of Jesus' love. please pray that God will give me His words to speak, and that i wouldn't be ashamed or discouraged from saying them.

and praise the Lord that He is giving me opportunities to GO and SEND ME to be a light and an encouragement! He is so good!
thank you for your prayers and look forward to hearing great things that the Lord has done- whether we see it soon or not until we get to heaven. pray that lasting fruit is brought forth from planting these seeds and watering. God will provide the growth.

xx! annie.