09 August 2011

in short.

hey there, Miss MIA here.
sooo i have a ton of things i want to blog about, which may or may not all happen:
-retreat worship
-teen camp worship and counseling
-montana family vacation
-God redirecting my steps immensely!
-the new plan for fall ministry

but for now i need you guys to pray! [if anyone still checks this place, that is!]
i'm driving 7 hours down to SE Iowa today to visit a friend and help put on a worship seminar tomorrow evening [wednesday] for a small baptist church! i get 35 minutes to share from the Word about having the right heart in worship and giving a Biblical foundation.

PLEASE PRAY that i am led by the Spirit! i am not totally prepared yet, but the Lord has put some things on my heart. i trust that He will finish the work He's begun with this! please pray that i am a blessing and a living example of Jesus' love. please pray that God will give me His words to speak, and that i wouldn't be ashamed or discouraged from saying them.

and praise the Lord that He is giving me opportunities to GO and SEND ME to be a light and an encouragement! He is so good!
thank you for your prayers and look forward to hearing great things that the Lord has done- whether we see it soon or not until we get to heaven. pray that lasting fruit is brought forth from planting these seeds and watering. God will provide the growth.

xx! annie.


Sara said...

i still check it :) i shall pray

Melissa Rae said...

I'm glad to hear about how God is leading you. You are an encouragement :)