we have led worship 5 times already this week, and have 2 more sets tomorrow.
we= michelle, roelof, fabian, izzy, and me.
i am ein bisschen krank- throaty/cold junk. i took last night off, but still sang this morning. God's good.
we've visited Basel [Switzerland] and Freiburg [Germany] this week- nice cities. helped clean at CC Freiburg today.
tomorrow we have a long day- worship in the morning, hanging out at the school all afternoon [maybe going to German class!], then leading an extended worship time for the high schoolers tomorrow night. pray for strength and grace, and voice-endurance!
also please pray for the kids during this time- it's really a time for them to sit before the Lord, worship, pray, be prayed for, take communion, and enjoy His presence, as an end to their spiritual emphasis week. it's been a good week.
i'm off to bed! gute nacht!
i'll post pictures.. from lots of recent things.. sometime.
I talked to the swiss man and he says that he live pretty close to basel! talk yo you later, Tyler.
sorry my spelling is really bad
We are proud of you! Let us know when you're back to Siegen. Mom
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