21 October 2008


here we are in wien! we've had lots of opportunities already to talk with people on the streets, hand out tracts and surveys, spend time fellowshiping with people from the CC Wien and another international church here, and worship and pray together as a team. our mornings are mainly spent praying for the city and different ministries and believers here, and our afternoons are spent on the streets, talking with people. each evening is different, but we've already gone to two outreaches [one street-evangelism outreach via painting, and another tea room outreach to foreigners], and last night we went to another church to hear a man from N. Korea talk about refugees and some cool ministry going on in that part of the world.
another girl, sharon, and i spoke with 7 people on the streets yesterday, 3 13-year old jewish kids, and 3 18-year-old goths.. please pray for these kids, that the Lord will touch their hearts and speak to them individually- especially to show them that there is a hope and a future in the Lord, that they can personally know the True and Living God!
thanks for praying! we're very grateful for your support.
also keep in prayer the outreach teams all over the world from the different CCBC campuses- hungary, germany, italy, and peru all have their outreach during this week. countless countries all over the world, including south america, all over europe, and even india.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss you!!!!

You are in my prayers!