it's monday. most people i know are beginning school this morning. friends who are teachers, brothers who are students, friends who are in college. it's kind of a strange feeling, to know that i'm not among the masses of school-goers anymore. my internal clock tells me that i ought to be packing for germany, pulling out scarves and rainboots, and gearing up for a new semester. the beginning of the semester is so exhilarating. it's incredibly busy and inevitably rainy, but so precious to share in the excitement and life of new people in whom you shall invest over the next few months. it's good to have a goal, a class to teach, a schedule to fill with interesting trips, a whole new group of people to become endeared to, an outreach to plan and prepare for... i do miss it.
nevertheless, here i am! seasons are fearfully and wonderfully appointed by the Lord [genesis 1- amongst other things, He made the seasons.. and declared them good], so we needn't fear or dread them, but Be strong and of good courage; do not fear nor be dismayed [1 Chronicles 22:13b], and go at them with all our might.
this is the first autumn i've been home in 3 years. it tends to be my trend: 05-06 away, 07 home; 08-09 away, 10 home: every 3 years it's good to have a long north-midwestern fall. i'm not going to argue with sunshine and fall colors! it beats wet shoes.
this is also to be my last season at home for a spell- i am planning to move to the london area in february. my excited-to-nervous ratio is very much in favor of the former [i'm thrilled!], having had about a month to process the fact. i'll be serving at calvary chapel leatherhead on the outskirts of london. it's a wonderful church, and i am excited to fellowship with them for a year, and see what the Lord has in store beyond that! i'm looking forward to a different sort of european experience [although i'll dearly miss my beloved deutschland, which shall forever be emblazoned upon my heart!], to living in the vicinity of a very large city, to learning english properly [?], and most of all to see what my faithful God has in store for me as i walk in obedience in the steps He has beforehand prepared for me! [Ephesians 2:10]
i need to send out a newsletter soon. i began it weeks ago.. and haven't worked on it since! this news about london hasn't been made facebook-official yet, in favor of telling friends individually. and, it's still nearly 6 months hence- no need to take all the bang out of it too early.
meanwhile, i've arranged my SPCO concerts for the fall, which i'm greatly anticipating! the first is Mozart's opera Don Giovanni, which shall commence the season on September 10th. it'll be a three-generational delight, in the company of my mother and grandmother, both who are as eager as i to attend.
i've made out a book list for myself as well. i really do read a great deal. but you know, i've realized gradually over the year that while being well-read is important, to be well-thought is likely of greater value. i believe the two complement each other nicely. do we know how to think for ourselves? not to spit out well-rehearsed ideals of popular groups, but to really see the ideas behind what we do, behind what we read, behind what we say; and not only to profess independent thinking whilst collecting a menagerie of everyone else's thoughts, but to know the Truth [the Word of God], and thereby to discern the best means of living and thinking and being. thinking has been high on my list of thoughts recently. strange, perhaps, but most invigorating; it lends itself to thoughtfulness and thinkativeness alike.
back to the book list. i begin books very eagerly and regularly; there are stacks of books around my room, mentally labeled "begun," "half-completed," "must-read," etc. i genuinely love to read. however, i am determined to become a bit more disciplined in the finishing of books. so my list includes some books that have already been begun and some which i've been aching to read. [namely, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn!]
i'm in the midst of refinishing a splendid little thrifted chair; it's been painted a fantastic tiffany/robin's egg blue, and its cushions shall presently be covered in a fresh canvas stripe. too bad my summer chair wasn't finished until near the end of said season! summer has truly taken wings and nearly escaped me. i'll miss my daily tromps out to the garden to find the newest tomatoes and cucumbers, my evening bike rides along the river, and being tan and more-or-less carefree! i won't miss bugs or humidity, really.
speaking of thrifting; i've recently acquired a stack of incredible music, in form of 33 1/2's. i need a record player! badly! i want to march to Sousa, twang along with Cowboy Campfires, thrill within to Finlandia, squawk along with Eliza Doolittle, yodel with Maria, croon Moon River with Holly Golightly, etc, etc. i overflow with excitement about this. the thrift store people have been most helpful along these lines, even letting me sort through stacks upon stacks "back room" of the Auxiliary Thrift last week.
i've a diverting new 12-pan set of watercolors, a stack of letters to write and walk to the post office, some projects to work on, happy music playing a sunny day [currently i'm stuck on Smetana's Ma Vlast, and Ingrid. it's a lovely juxtaposition], a second cup of home-brewed starbucks in hand, and a day off to enjoy!
oh dear, it isn't even morning anymore. here's to fall. to savoring the season you're in. and to a free afternoon in august!
1 comment:
hmmm- sounds like your planning has left your mind and settled on "paper". music, painting, sewing and designing, fresh air and sunshine... lots of memories to make before it's time to pack for Leatherhead.
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