28 September 2010

insert japanese exclamation of delight.

so, lately i've been thinking about projects in which to invest a bit of creative energy. i leafed through a library book on mennonite quilts. some of them are pretty sweet. couldn't find a web image for it, but there was an incredible poppy quilt i'd love to have seen in person. or made.

quilts are fabulous. and yet, would anyone else agree that quilts are generally really really outdated colors [excepting vintage quilts, of course! my grandma has some sweet crazy quilts made out of the most delightful fabric scraps]? and it's sort of an... older person type activity? no offense please, just saying it how i see it: not many people of my generation are avid quilters.

but i want to make one. sometime. who knows how soon. maybe i'll start tomorrow. i never can tell when a spurt of creative excess will burst forth from my deepest heart-of-hearts; but, by george, i love it when that happens!

along the lines of quilts, CHECK this one out. i am utterly amazed, blown away, thunderstruck. it's awesome.

it's a quilt. of the tokyo subway system. i cannot even express how amazing this is. i want to make one. check out the original blog post here. can you even handle it!!!!? the only improvement upon making and cherishing such a masterpiece would actually to go ride the tokyo tube after having made it= i figure i'd probably have all the stops memorized by then anyway, you know?

[ok so being a bit of a researchical person, i looked up the real tokyo metro map. not an exact replica, but admirable, nonetheless. on second thought, i'd better enjoy the quilt at home, and use the metro map when in tokyo.]

arigatooooo japan. and thank you, elizabeth hartman, for proving that quilting is by no means out of date.
p.s. her fabrics are cute gozaimasu, ne?


Linda said...

as long as you don't pull it out of your knapsack to find directions while on the subway, you'll be fine! I want to see you do this! Tyler has the roads of MN memorized- and we all thought that was for nothing! He can draw you a pattern.

Tamiko said...

Japan says, "You're welcome!" You should come to Japan and ride the train and than take the plane over to Okinawa! Hai, hai?

andrea k. said...

hai hai tamiko! ich komme! :)