03 September 2011

missionary journey: post 1.

i leave on monday!

praise the Lord:
-i see His hand so strongly at work on my behalf, in arranging my schedule and places to go
-He provides!!
-i am so excited, blessed, and humbled to have this opportunity to journey out as a missionary, in order to bless other missionaries.

please pray:
-that i can get on my flight and travel without delays! i'm flying standby at 3:35pm, this monday.
-that God would continue to arrange my plans. i'm waiting on a few emails from people to visit; i'll be buying all my tickets fairly last minute for travel within Europe.
-i am sure that many things will change even after i arrive. please pray for flexibility on my part and that all changes would result in more blessing to others and glory to God. He knows where i need to be and when.
-i am sick! the sneezy noseblowing kind. please pray that i get well soon, and that i don't develop a cough or infect others.

first stop: BRISTOL, UK!

and here's a verse i read this morning that perfectly sums up my heart and vision for ministry this fall:

I am sending him [or her, in my case!] to you for this very purpose:
that he may know your circumstances and comfort your hearts.

Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you,
always laboring fervently for you in prayers,
that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.
-Colossians 4:8, 12.

thank you! love you all.

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