01 February 2012

tasty things.

today's lunch: summer rolls with crab stick, tangerine, and mae ploy sauce.
summer rolls were spinach, baby bell peppers, carrots, sugar snap peas, sauteed mushrooms, scrambled egg, and salad greens in a vietnamese rice wrapper.

tonight's dinner: Wagamama's yasai itameru
our tofu didn't really stay in its cubes, which was disappointing, and threw off the overall aesthetic. but it tasted pretty good.
in general, this was rice noodles with homemade coconut ginger sauce, topped with a stirfry of sweet potato, red onion, bok choy, scallions, bean sprouts, cilantro and lime. [ps, bok choy is legit]

tonight's dessert: banana katsu with hot fudge! gone before a picture could be taken.
it's panko-fried bananas with ice cream, with a coconutty twist!
basically, this is the best dessert ever. [we made seconds.. shh!]

last week's homemade naan, to go with tikka masala [whose picture, sadly, was not very nice!]
flour, yogurt, salt, and baking powder, cooked in an iron skillet and finished up in a really hot oven.
[and yes! that is a bread peel! we have a bread peel! life is so beautiful!]

a few weeks ago, michelle and i made lovely french chocolate macarons!
in case you didn't know, these macarons are made of ground almonds, so they are gluten free.
to the almonds you simply add pretty much everything else awesome in the baking world, bake, and devour.


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