18 November 2007


children are an heritage from the Lord. Psalm 127:3

this entire day was completely overrun by children. running, screaming, yelling, crying, laughing, hollering children, of every imaginable age and size.
following several hours with them after church, i expected to have a quiet day at home. but my hopes were in vain, for our house was overrun with big, running, stomping, excitable, rubber-band-gun-shooting boys.
said boys were joined by three more children overtaking my house, and last but not least, demanding my utmost attention for the remainder of the evening.

it's been kids, and hardly anything else, since i woke up.

but you know, after i got over the desperate urge to flee for my sanity, i was completely captivated by two small souls, each talking several miles per minute, seeking my attention and approval while parents talked in other rooms.

it was all worth it, and i knew it to be true, as i watched a tenderhearted little boy pour out all his love for his new friend- 'the yiddo bear'.
how little it required of me, besides encouraging words and smiles, and how content he was.

indeed, children are an immeasurable heritage from the Lord.

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