19 September 2008

die Sonne!

For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts 
to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
2 Corinthians 4:6-7

It's amazing how even in the busyness and chaos of life, the Lord can speak in His still small voice, and still enable us to be used despite our preoccupied minds! Life here is so busy; lately it's bordered on crazy. And yet He saw fit to remind me after a super busy day this week that the joy of the Lord is my strength. At the end of the day, in our emptiness and exhaustion, we need not worry about tomorrow; we need only rejoice in Today- that God has used me as His vessel.

Yesterday I had a pretty busy schedule with all different responsibilities; I figured it would be a busy "doing" day, and not so much of a "people" day. Somehow in there the Lord combined the two, so it was entirely a people day while I was doing everything I needed to accomplish. I had SO many good, deep, encouraging conversations; I heard countless people's testimonies and was able to hear about their current situations and needs. I was able to pray with people, to share my heart with people, and really witness the Body of Christ being the Body! Fellowship is so precious!! I was reminded by a friend that the most important thing is being still and knowing He is God. And really, what else is more important? He's so precious. In abiding in Him, He abides in us, and it's a joy, not a burden, to keep His commandments and love His sheep.

 The sun has been out lately! I love its warmth and the joy it stirs up in my heart; it feels like life is fresh and new again! So true it is that the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ has shone in our hearts, and made us new! Because of that light, we can be those fragile, little, cracked vessels in which God takes so much delight. We can spread abroad His light [through our cracks and deficiencies!] to this dark world. The power is His- because we really have none! In our busyness, we can find rest in Him. In our need, our lack, we can yet be used to His glory. In our weakness, He is strong- as He shines the light of Jesus through us. He left the 99 sheep to seek out the one lost sheep; and so ought we be willing to lay down our tasks and love the person in front of us, because of His all-surpassing and merciful love, with which He first loved us!

1 comment:

*Kerstin* said...

Hey love :)
I wish we could meet some time and have coffee or tea together :)

Well I'm gone invite you to Mel's and my house when I'm moved and everything :)

Love and a big hug!

Thanks for the blog... It encouraged me a lot because I totally know how you felt!!!
