17 March 2009

lobe den Herrn, meine Seele! alles in mir, lobe den Herrn!
und vergiss nicht was Er dir gutes getan hat..

feeling better today. spring warmth and sunshine was the prediction for the day [and most of the week], but it's still cloudy and chilly. naja. i'm studying for my class, thinking about some cool conversations i've had lately with people, and enjoying the quiet.

i think one of my favorite things about being here [and has been since my very first day in siegen, over 2.5 years back] is the deep, rich fellowship with the believers here. i remember in my second semester, being so impacted by a simple meal with a crowded room full of people who loved each other and immensely enjoyed one another's company. i was so blessed to be part of that, and the hunger for such fellowship continued to grow in me. at the bible college i've made many dear friendships which i think shall last a lifetime. but there is something extra special about knowing the people from the church, hearing their stories, seeing their heart for the Lord, watching the effectiveness of their ministry, and catching their contagious love for Jesus, for people, for missions, and for the world. i think i know people who will be some of the most greatly used of the Lord in this generation. what a privilege, and an honor, and a challenge to be one of those too!

that's what i love the most about being here. praise the Lord, for He has done marvelous things!!

p.s. i'm re-reading the autobiography of Isobel Kuhn, called By Searching
her sincerity and frankness in seeking out the Lord [and thereby finding Him] is refreshing and quite edifying. 
i recommend it wholeheartedly!


Tyler Johnson said...

I like the picture. very nice. i am just getting over a cold today too. see you in exactly three months.

andrea k. said...

oh yeah it's my backwards-anniversary today huh!
happy st patrick's day. is dad leaping about and doing a jig? ;)

Anonymous said...

yes- wearing green, eating corned beef and boiled cabbage- no beer.