08 November 2010


here is an off-the-top-of-my head list of my current off-the-charts favourites.

squash. i would eat this every day for every meal. literally. in all honesty, i pretty much do.

blueberries. frozen, then thawed, then eaten in copious amounts. my preferred method of ingesting antioxidants.

thinking you hear a coworker say "copious" when actually she said "miniscule."

words. i have, since beginning to speak at a very early age, always been extremely fond of words. they give me so much joy.

music. this is going to have subcategories.
a. piano: i got to jam on my favorite piano ever this week in california. oh yeah.
b. currently-stuck-in-head-favourite-songs [sub-sub-categories]
-who are we fooling feat. aqualung by brooke fraser. several hours of every day of the past month have been lived to the tune of this song. it's so hopeful and honest and sad and real. and the climax note when brooke sings 'undo' just about undoes me because she's realizing that she can't undo it. ahh.
-restless by audrey assad. clearest voice i can remember hearing. and i'm not gonna lie, the harmony line makes me want to scream it's so great.
-we share our mother's health by the knife. again, another every-day-of-my-life sort of song. mostly because of all the layers together-at-once. this is my roll-down-the-windows-and-drive-33mph-to-the-post-office-and-back song.
-you'll come by hillsong/brooke fraser. just learned it this week, and she wrote in 2007?? where have i been?
-hysteric by the yeah yeah yeahs. i really expressly need a friend named derek. [oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh, it's derek!]
-mountains beyond mountains by arcade fire. the whole album [suburbs] is so enjoyable. i sing this song at work nearly every day. quietly, of course. usually. [i've often imagined the irony of actually experiencing "they heard me singing and they told me to stop / quit those pretentious things and just punch the clock" while i'm singing that specific song]
-um, keep the car running?? what an apt description of my fellow mn citizens. and she plays the hurdy-gurdy. [also by af]
-re:stacks by bon iver. perfect grey day song. crispy realization.
-sort of by ingrid michaelson. what can i say, it's catchy? and it talks about hands? and i love hands?
-the rip by portishead. a new going-to-be-favourite, i think. the fade from guitar to synth is seamless and heart-bursting.
-hard to get by rich mullins. punch-you-in-the-face honest. i think honesty is a theme i appreciate.
-everlasting arms by vicky beeching. every time i hear it i love it again.
c. making subcategories that really only have two points.

going along with the honesty theme, truth is a favorite. it's something i love more every day. especially The Truth. God's Word.

speaking spanish. my guatemalan coworker is helping me learn/putting up with my obstinate practice. pobrecito.

adjusting my english from american to british. examples: spelling it favourite instead of favorite and xx instead of xo.

brooklyn accents. i hung out with two amazing twin sisters from brooklyn this week. they've recently moved to florida. please say that with a brooklyn accent.

love. i love the love with which God loves me. and the love with which He enables me to love. i love so much!

nephews. [always.] we played Swing Rocket last night. totally spontaneous awesome game which lasted probably 20 minutes. that is a long time.

minnesota. i just love this place. but i have recently realized that i no longer hate california. uh oh.

coffee. this is perennial. i brush my teeth a lot to make up for it.

dear friends. i am blessed blessed blessed. i love the people i know. so much.

sunshine. this is one of the greatest loves of my life.

picnics in the park! we're having one now! tschüüüßie!

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