25 November 2010


that my family is all together.
that i am with them.
that it's thanksgiving.
that i have a great job.
that i have the night off.
that thanksgiving food is the best ever when cooked by my mom [and g-ma and sis-in-law].
that the snow is crunchy outside.
that our house is snug and warm.
that i am so very very blessed.
that i have such wonderful friends.
that i'm saved, redeemed, and loved by a Faithful, Everlasting, Grace-abounding God.
that i know whom i have believed.
that i have a hope and a future.
that there's leftovers in the fridge.
that squash is so delicious.
that my platelets are up to 300k!
that i have so very, very much to be thankful for.

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