13 December 2010

i am/should.

i should:
be doing laundry.
be wrapping presents.
be sewing presents.

i am:
delightfully contented.
contentfully delighted.
[ps: why is contentfully not a word? it's so descriptive; kind of like thinkative, which must not be confused with thoughtful.]
wearing sweatpants.

i should:
be drinking tea.
be listening to something nice.

in lieu of that, i am:
listening vicariously to radiohead from my basement and daft punk from upstairs. i guess it's a pretty nice compromise.

i am in the midst of:
reading The Cost of Discipleship [Nachfolge auf Deutsch] by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
it is incredible.
you absolutely must read it.
it will change your life, and your faith.
time is short. get real. and read this book.

i should:
be writing letters.
be typing letters on my typewriter.
probably be painting a picture, actually.

i am:
working every day this week. that's seven, in case you wondered.
making dinner tomorrow night.

i should:
be finding said recipe to make for dinner tomorrow night.

i am:
thinking a lot about england.
intrigued that christmas is coming so soon.
living in a very frigid state; i also live in the constant state of having a cold and/or dripping nose.
,however, not sick.

i should:
get up.
plug in my computer who is dying.
get a new guitar at some point.

i am:
comfortably uncomfortable.
tempted to just go to bed.

1 comment:

Alisha Wisener said...

Sounds a lot like Winter.