30 December 2010

snowy thoughts.

winter makes me:
a. sleepy
b. want to go ice skating
c. want to wear all of my scarves at once
c2. wear only one of them, usually, due to practicality and/or circulation
d. want to bake something really complex
e. want to eat what i just baked
f. have a headache after i ate what i baked
g. decide that i dislike headaches
h. decide that i will, nevertheless, continue to bake
i. decide that i will, however, discontinue use of sugar
j. get excited about waking up to open my windows to see the new frost designs on them
k. happy to see the sun
l. want to grow sprouts
m. thankful for long hair
n. want to chop my hair off
o. really love cranberry everything
q. want to knit
r. want to create anything and everything
s. want to stay inside on a horribly precipitous evening
t. want to go outside on a blindingly white day
u. want to speak german
v. correspondence-y
w. musically appreciative
x. voracious about books
y. adventurous about tea
z. appreciative about mittens
aa. apprehensive about travel
aa2. specifically apprehensive about air travel and layovers
bb. crave the orchestra
bb2. think about popovers
cc. miss the french riviera
dd. want to speak french
ee. excited to have a cousin possibly moving to france, whom i shall indubitably visit
ff. want to get really dressed up
gg. excited when i don't wear sweatpants
hh. thankful for hoods
ii. want to see mountains
jj. have a frozen nose
kk. go back to the thrift store repeatedly although i have already found all the finds to be found
ll. take extreme delight in home decor magazines
mm. miss wearing shoes with on-purpose holes in them
nn. not miss wearing shoes with not-on-purpose holes in them
oo. crave vegetables
pp. glad that i don't have cows to milk
qq. drink less coffee than in the summer [well, this winter anyway]
rr. feel like i need to have just arrived home after several months abroad
ss. glad to have a brief reprieve from the weather next week
tt. put my christmas ornaments on the tree
uu. include burrowing in my daily actions
vv. think i'm tan until i see people who actually are
ww. think of all the movies i'd like to rewatch
xx. love the colors of the landscape
xx2. love pretty much anything tastefully white
yy. interested in reading philosophy and theology and foreign books, also in good taste
zz. overall, glad.
zz2. overall, glad that it makes me glad and not sad!

ps. the picture just makes me happy, without relating to the topic at hand. they're viennese palace ducks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful ... I agree with all your "winter longings..." I feel the same way ... best wishes for an enchanted, white winter.