18 November 2011

gladness and simplicity of heart.

i'm home!
flight from london was delayed a few hours.
so i missed the minneapolis flight; but all flights to mpls were booked for the night anyways.
so i had a couple hours to get through customs and eat a frozen yogurt, and fly off to south dakota.
brother picked me up and we were home by midnight.
win win.

it's so lovely to be home! i love my family and my house and my state.
the colors of late fall are sooooo gorgeous. like somebody cranked down the saturation button and left everything all pale and frosty.

i'm sharing at church on sunday afternoon about my missionary journey! if you're around, you are most heartily welcomed.
it'll be fun to think through the whole trip and gather pictures and memories and thoughts to share.

i'm blessed.
love love.

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